Friday, January 24, 2014

Job Hunting And How I'm Not Slowing Pulling My Hair Out (Well No, I Am, But Not As Much)

So I'm writing this with the knowledge that it's entirely my own experience, so take this with a grain of salt. This is mostly directed towards those of us doing online job-searching. Which is likely all of us now.

First things first, if you need help read this. Yes, it's long, no, it's not mine, but it's damn good advice. And the "setting limits" thing seriously helped me. And the Cover Letter help. Cause good goddamn I hate Cover Letters. I'm fabulous at writing them. I hate writing them.

So I'm mostly online searching, which can be a bitch. Because the second you get on your computer, there's Facebook, there's Tumblr (oh god Tumblr), you go to research something and get dragged into something else. It's like paper writing that ends in Wikiwandering. You're going to inevitably get distracted.

Tip 1: Stay hydrated.

No seriously. Generally when you're on a computer you ignore most regular habits like eating or drinking. I'll say eat something as well, so long as it's not distracted eating where you eat a bag of chips (unless you want to, go ahead and eat that entire bag of doritoes if it makes you feel better about having to slog through this, you've earned it).

But if you aren't hydrated you'll get lethargic, and your head will hurt, and your eyes will hurt. And dehydration just sucks okay? And it's definitely not fun if you're trying to concentrate. Try to stay away from coffee and juices and anything likely to make your jittery. Water is probably your best bet. I drink enough tea to drown a small child.

Keep a water bottle by your computer, mine has a straw. I find myself distractedly drinking from it frequently. It's sort of like that distracted eating thing. Only it's pretty hard to drink too much water if you're using a standard water bottle.

Plus the constant pee breaks will give your brain a rest from the searching.

Tip 2: Get dressed.

Why does my advice sound so weird? Cause it is. But look. Even though you're on your computer, no one is going to see you, it's sort of a psychological thing. You've had a shower, your hair is done, you have clothes on, it's like you're going out to tackle the day, even though you're staying inside.

Staying in my pjs makes me feel like relaxing, watching a couple movies, generally lazing about. Getting dressed makes me feel I'm going to do something and I'm more likely to be productive.

I'd also suggest having clean clothes if you can. But that's not always possible. But man, pulling on a pair of jeans you know you haven't worn six ways to Sunday yet? It's a nice feeling. Sometimes I wear heels at my desk if I want to feel significantly badass.

Tip 3: Keep your space clean.

Wait, you're job hunting and now you have to clean? No. No you don't. But if you're anything like me, you're going to get distracted by the mess. Like why are those papers strewn everywhere? How long has that mug been there? Why isn't your nail file back in the bathroom where you won't lose it again?

*twitch twitch*

Look, I know your parents said "clean, don't sweep it under the bed", but if that's what you have to do temporarily to keep yourself from staring at that one lone goddamn sock by your hamper and where is it's match and why can't you find it?... Then yeah. I have a paper/pen/stuff drawer. I've thrown most everything in there and the rest in a box or closet and then shut it. Makes me less twitchy, and if my room is actually (welllll, sort of, but look, why were closets given doors then?) clean? Hell I can accomplish anything.

Tip 4: Reset your bloody homepage.

This may not be applicable to all of you, but t'hell if most of you don't need this tip. I needed this tip. You don't have to set your homepage to a job site or something. That's too guilt-inducing for me. But at least freaking Google or something. If you want to job search the worst thing to happen is opening a page and all of a sudden, BAM, Tumblr (oh Tumblr), Facebook, Youtube, what-have-you. Friends and stories and videos and doge and, and, and... And I just spent four hours (if I'm lucky) not job hunting. Fuck.

So, that's all I can think of for the most part, but I'll leave you with a bit of advice a good friend gave me years ago to help with the whole resume thing:

It is not cocky if you are as good as you say you are.

Seriously guys, don't sell yourself short. No qualification is too minor if it's job applicable. Even if it's personal. If you spend a lot of time online, you're probably good at multitasking, or have learned stuff through Wiki, Tumblr (oh for fucks sake Tumblr go away T_T), fanfiction, etc. You're an information gatherer. You are so s-m-r-t (that's a garbled Simpsons quote, not a typo).

If you feel you're talking yourself up on a resume? Good. If you have the knowledge to back up your boasting, it's not boasting. Don't feel like your job experience is less than it is. And don't feel like you're being too cocky. The point of your resume is to show an employer you're awesome. And you are. So say so on your resume.

Don't exaggerate mind you. But if you helped at home with yardwork? That means you have groundskeeping skills. Which means someone trusted you with mechanical equipment. Which means you're trustworthy and smart enough to have not lost your foot or something (if you have lost your foot though I'm very sorry, lawnmowers are terrifying beasts and serious accidents can occur, seriously, here have a cookie, I am so so sorry).

So yeah, four tips and a ramble! Ima make myself a sammich, grab some more water, and sob over Cover Letters over here in the corner okay? But I will look damn fabulous doing it in my skinny jeans and fitted sweater.

And I guess go job hunting instead of blogging, but where's the fun in that?

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